It used to be possible to freely customize the system date format in Mac OS preferences up to some 10.x version with a nice and flexible editor. screenshot old OS version

In current Ventura, there’s only a selection of predefined formats and only for the short version. Ventura screenshot

In Shortcuts, for instance, (almost) all placeholders from UTS #35 can be used, so internal support is there, of course.

Is there some hidden way to still customize the formats? For instance, I want to include the calendar week as in ISO 8601’s yyyy-'W'ww-d.

Extra points if this format then can be used in the system clock.


1 Answer 1


The hint and link from @aivar-paalberg helped a lot.

The date format settings are stored in the hidden file ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist. Values can be queried with defaults in Terminal.app and also be changed using defaults write.


% defaults find AppleICU
Found 1 keys in domain 'Apple Global Domain': {
    AppleICUDateFormatStrings =     {
        1 = "y-MM-dd";
        2 = "y-MM-dd";

1 is short, 2 is medium, 3 is long and 4 is full in the CLDR date formats (with precision to the calendar day).


defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleICUDateFormatStrings -dict-add "1" "yyyyMMdd"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleICUDateFormatStrings -dict-add "2" "d. MMM ’yy"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleICUDateFormatStrings -dict-add "3" "d. MMMM yyyy"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleICUDateFormatStrings -dict-add "4" "EEEE 'KW'ww, d. MMMM yyyy"

Unfortunately, System Settings will not show an example result in the dropdown if it differs from the predefined formats:
empty dropdown

For English-language locales alone, the formats will default to a number of variants, as of CLDR v43:

  • short with month number:
    • M/d/yy default = US
    • d-M-yy MV
    • d/M/y HK, ZW
    • d/M/yy AU, JM, SG
    • d/MM/yy NZ
    • dd.MM.y CH
    • dd/MM/y int., AE, GB
    • dd/MM/yy BE, BW, MZ, IN
    • y-MM-dd CA, SE
    • y/MM/dd ZA
    • ISO 8601, shortest formats:
      • yyyyDDD ordinal day of the year
      • yyyyMMdd day of the month of the year
      • YYYY'W'wwe day of the week of the year
      • yyMMdd and yy-MM-dd with implied century were supported before the 2004 revision.
  • medium with abbreviated month name or number:
    • MMM d, y default = US
    • d MMM y int., AE, GB
    • d/MM/y NZ
    • dd MMM y BE, BW, MT, ZA
    • dd MMM,y ZW
    • dd-MM-y MV
    • dd-MMM-y BZ, IN, PK
    • ISO 8601:
      • yyyy-DDD
      • yyyy-MM-dd
      • YYYY-'W'ww-e
  • long with complete month name:
    • MMMM d, y default = US
    • d MMMM y int., AE, GB, MV
    • dd MMMM y BW, BZ, MT, ZA, ZW
  • full with day of the week:
    • EEEE, MMMM d, y default = US
    • EEEE d MMMM y IE, MV
    • EEEE, d MMMM y int., AE, GB
    • EEEE, d MMMM, y IN
    • EEEE, dd MMMM y BW, BZ, ZA, ZW

Apple / ICU supports all Date Field Symbols from UTS #35.

PS: I assume those AppleICUDateFormatStrings are used internally as the default template somewhere in DateFormatter.

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