I am at a real loss. As it happens timemachinig to an external drive HFS drive (connected to a Mac Mini M2) used to work no issues. I have also tried with an APFS just because. Did all the dances I could find (going up to page three in google searches), forget the drive, clear the related keychain keys, reconnect, reboots etc. No luck.

The thing always ends, after a few seconds, with

The network backup disk could not be accessed because there was a problem with the network username or password. You may need to re-select the backup disk and enter the correct username and password.

Which taken together with

backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:General] Authentication error (80) - the correct user or password info may not exist in the System.keychain or the server may no longer allow access for this user.

Seems to point to a keychain issue, since of course the corresponding keychain record exists.

An old post [https://arstechnica.com/civis/threads/keychain-issues.1225417/] gave me some hope, but the solutions suggested there did not work, as my plists do not appear faulty.

I can access it & manage its content no issues, as well as (once mounted) select it as TM target. TM cannot find it when attempting to backup to it.

Also, I checked ../Preferences/apple.com.security.plist (both my user's and global) against a TM backup of a few days ago. No differences :-(

Furthermore, I installed a clean Ventura, same as the one running on the affected machine, on an external T3. Booted from it, did the TM settings dance to the network external drive... and of course things work. Looking for differences, I noticed that in the clean Ventura /Library/Preferences/apple.com.security.plist does not exist. Nor it is created upon reboot. So I deleted the one on the affected machine. TM still fails. Rebooted. TM still fails.

Following @KhaineBOT advice, I checked the console for NetSysAuthAgent events on the affected machine. It clearly show the steps to failure, as follows:

Creating MechType session for stage 0
NetAuthSysAgent Mount URL: request D3389FED-52D6-4CA1-A11E-D4783431B91A from backupd (546)
NetAuthSysAgent URL = smb://[email protected]./256GBAPFS
NetAuthSysAgent Session created
NetAuthSysAgent GetServerInfo serverParamsDict = {
GuestOnly = 0;
MechTypesSupported = {
SPNEGONegTokenInitHintsHostname = "not_defined_in_RFC4178@please_ignore";
SPNEGONegTokenInitMechs = {
"1.2.752.43.14.3" = {length = 0, bytes = 0x};
"1.2.840.113554.1.2.2" = {length = 0, bytes = 0x};
"1.2.840.48018.1.2.2" = {length = 0, bytes = 0x};
"" = {length = 0, bytes = 0x};
"" = {length = 0, bytes = 0x};
"" = {length = 0, bytes = 0x};
"" = {length = 0, bytes = 0x};
SPNEGOServerSupportsLKDC = yes;
ServerDisplayName = "MiniM2.local.";
SupportsChangePassword = 0;
SupportsGuest = 1;
NetAuthSysAgent SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(false) secKeychainStatus = 0
NetAuthSysAgent Found Server Marker for "MiniM2.local."
NetAuthSysAgent SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(interactionAllowed) secKeychainStatus = 0
NetAuthSysAgent User has visited this machine before
NetAuthSysAgent isKnownServer 1
NetAuthSysAgent Next CredentialsStage set to 1
NetAuthSysAgent Next CredentialsStage set to 2
NetAuthSysAgent Creating MechType session for stage 2
NetAuthSysAgent Adding the user name "mini" to the MechType session info
NetAuthSysAgent NAHCreate: hostname=<private> service=cifs
NetAuthSysAgent NAHCreate: will use hostname=<private>
NetAuthSysAgent NAHCreate: will use service=cifs
NetAuthSysAgent NAH: specific name is: <private> foo
NetAuthSysAgent NAHCreate: username=<private> username given
NetAuthSysAgent NAHCreate: SPNEGO hints name <private>
NetAuthSysAgent NAHCreate-krb: have_kerberos=yes try_iakerb_with_lkdc=no try-wkdc=yes use-spnego=yes
NetAuthSysAgent MechType session created for host "MiniM2.local.", service "cifs".
NetAuthSysAgent Unable to get a MechTypes for the MechType session using credentials

... repeats above in 5 stages, and gives up

NetAuthSysAgent There are no MechTypes available for the MechType session
NetAuthSysAgent Calling OpenSession:
NetAuthSysAgent server smb://[email protected]./256GBAPFS
NetAuthSysAgent OpenSession failed 80
NetAuthSysAgent CloseSession result 0
NetAuthSysAgent Reply Connect to Server status = 80

...TM backup failed

Any ideas, pointers will be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers 2


I rename my Mac in "General" -> "About" -> "Name" to m1pro. Seems it works.

I wonder if the previous computer name with some "'" or space cause the error.

  • 1
    As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Apr 10 at 12:18

I could click on my backup in the shared location and type the encryption password, and they would open, but trying to do it from the Time Machine application let me connect and then asked me, would you like to use your current backups? I responded YES, and then it asked me for the encryption password. It would not accept the password even though I know it is correct. In fact, it is the same password that when I go to the network share, I can open manually just fine. I did as you suggested and renamed my Mac Studio to just "Studio" and it accepted the password and said it was connecting but said, Backup Not completed I bleive I am one step closer to fixing this.

  • I just tried again and its backing up. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Commented Aug 5 at 15:45
  • If this is intended to answer the question can you edit it so that it is complete for other to use to help solve their problem, too?
    – bmike
    Commented Aug 5 at 18:01

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