How can I automatically login to captive portals on OS X?
A captive portal is used by (often not password-protected) wireless networks that present a web page as soon as you connect to them, requiring you to login.
I have to login to different wireless networks like this very frequently, and none of the captive portals seem to remember my login/password information. Is there a way to automate the login process somehow, or at least store the login/password pairs in the Keychain?
Update: There’s an iOS app called AutoWifi that basically handles this. If it’s possible to do this on iOS with all its restrictions, surely it must be possible to do something like it on OS X, right?
Related fun fact: This is how Apple tests for captive portals on OS X and iOS:
OS X and iOS make a request to
every time you connect to a WiFi network.
As of Yosemite the URL is now:
This URL returns the following HTML: