Sometimes when I open a new finder folder window, it appears as grid icons, which I have no option of changing.

enter image description here

First of all, why don't I have an option to change it (notice in this context there is no menu to change to list view)? Second of all, how do I completely disable ever seeing in grid icon view. I never want to see grid icons, I always want either a list or a set of columns (most likely columns).

1 Answer 1


You can't disable icon view, it will always be an option.

What you can do is determine a set of defaults for New Window.
Finder menu > Preferences Cmd ⌘ , can set which location will be default.
View Options Cmd ⌘ J can set default view type.

You can always change view on the fly with Cmd ⌘ + 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 .

enter image description here

  • Set a "default", because Finder always always finds a way to use a different view regardless of how many defaults one sets Commented Mar 12 at 0:52

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