I'm not sure what the rule is around installing apps for other Apple platforms (like iPhone / iPad) on macOS. Specifically, I would like to install the Lumi app shown here: https://apps.apple.com/app/lumi-music/id1481450834#?platform=ipad
I fully understand it may not be compatible, but then I do not understand how other iOS apps are allowed to run in some cases. For example, Spotify is another application which is not available from the store. The application is downloaded directly from their website instead and then installed as an iOS application.
So specifically then my questions are:
Is there an official channel to consume iOS / ipad apps that have not yet been given the Universal / Apple Silicon treatment?
If there is no official Apple vetted method, is there an appropriate 3rd party method? Perhaps iMazing as an emulator?
Thanks in advance, and apologies if the question seems basic. I've spent around an hour reading various forums before deciding to ask for help.