I have an issue accessing my MacOS data, can someone guide me how to fix this? I tried to increase the BOOTCAMP using MiniTool Partition Wizard. After that both MacOS and Bootcamp Windows disappear from the boot menu (Power on then press Option). Now I have to use a temporary MacOS on my extend SSD. But still can't access the data from the main MacOS. Do you have any idea on how to fix this, if I can use my MacOS and Windows as before that is great, but in case it is difficult at least can I access to MacOS disk to just copy some important data? I saw some post to fix this by adjusting the "hex" but I don't quite understand that, and it seems suitable for different case depending on different partition table, therefore I can't just apply blindly as my partition table is different with others. Below is my "diskutil list":

  • 300GB which is my main MacOS (I need to access its data)
  • 69.4 GB is my Bootcamp Windows
  • 100 GB storage disk of my Mac data (the only one I can access now)
  • The rest are there by the system.

Please assist to guide me how to fix this if you know. Appreciate. Thank you.

To add info on what I did when resizing the Bootcamp:

  • I use MacOS Disk Utility to resize the disk0s1 down, to have free space (10GB)
  • Then I boot to Bootcamp Windows, using the MiniTool Partition Wizard with the feature "Extend Partition" to extend my Bootcamp (10GB)

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  • Have you any save of this system? You can try : diskutil repairdisk disk0 but I've a doubt on the solution.
    – user415185
    Commented Jul 12, 2021 at 11:03
  • Hi @DavidAnderson, Thank you for your comment, and you give me some hope. I updated the question by adding what I did with Mini Tool Wizard, also I added the output of the hexdump as your suggestion. I hope that helps. Sorry for the late reply due to the different timezone from my country. Thanks a lot.
    – Ca Ngo
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 1:33
  • Hi @Jean_JD, ya I tried the repair disk but unfortunate it doesn't solve my issue. Thank you very much for your comment.
    – Ca Ngo
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 1:34

1 Answer 1


The sudo get -r show disk0 command shows values stored in the GUID Partition Table (GPT) on the internal drive. The sudo dd if=/dev/disk0s2 count=1 bs=128 | hexdump -Cv shows values stored at the beginning of the second partition on the internal drive.

The size in blocks of a APFS container is stored in the 8 bytes at offset 40 (28 hexadecimal) of the partition. In your case the bytes are fb 99 f2 04 00 00 00 00. This can be converted to 512 byte sectors by the following steps.

  1. Reverse the order and remove the leading zeros to get 4f299fb.
  2. Use the Calculator application (or other equivalent means) to convert hexadecimal to decimal. In this case, the result is 83,007,995 blocks, where a block is 4096 bytes.
  3. In your case, there are 8 sectors per block. So the conversation to sectors is accomplished by multiplying by 8 to get 664,063,960 sectors, which is 340,000,747,520 bytes.

However, the output from the sudo gpt -r show disk0 command shows the size of the partition, with this APFS container, is only be 644,531,248 sectors, which is 329,999,998,976 bytes. This discrepancy would prevent any volumes in the APFS container from mounting.

Apparently, the macOS APFS container in the second partition and Windows NTFS volume in the third partition overlap by 10 GB. Since you can not mount the Windows NTFS volume, there is not enough information posted to the question to know this for certain. In other words, location and size of the NTFS volume is currently unknown. Also, neither the APFS container or NTFS volume may be intact.

I suppose, since the data on the macOS APFS volumes is important, the following commands could be used to remove the Windows partition and expand APFS partition to 340 GB. Hopefully, the desired volumes will mount and the data can be recovered.

diskutil unmount disk0s3
sudo gpt -f remove -i 3 disk0
sudo gpt -f remove -i 2 disk0
sudo gpt -f add -i 2 -b 409640 -s 664063960 -t apfs disk0


  • Yes David, 10GB is the amount that I tried to move from MacOS to the Windows Bootcamp (used Disk Utility to decrease MacOS down 10 GB, used MiniTool Partition Wizard to increase Windows bootcamp more 10GB. In fact, after I have done so, the Windows still can be boot and working as usual (but the size look weird, before it's ~2.5GB free out of 54GB, after increase it is ~2.5GB free out of 64GB) Then after a restart, both Windows and MacOCS were gone
    – Ca Ngo
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 2:33
  • Unfortunately, what you did and what you posted differ. If you post the output from the command sudo dd if=/dev/disk0s3 count=1 bs=128 | hexdump -Cv, I would have more information on the Windows partition. Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 3:06
  • Ya, I used the MiniTool, so don't really know what happened behind, maybe that's one of my fault. I tried the hexdump command on disks03 as your suggestion, it shows "dd: /dev/disk0s3: Resource busy" :(
    – Ca Ngo
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 6:55
  • You will need to enter diskutil unmount disk0s3 before entering sudo dd if=/dev/disk0s3 count=1 bs=128 | hexdump -Cv. However, if the resource was busy, then I already know what the output from sudo dd if=/dev/disk0s3 count=1 bs=128 | hexdump -Cv will be. Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 9:05
  • Hi David, yes I tried again after unmount. I attach the output to the question too. I hope this help. Thank you very much for your kind and patient
    – Ca Ngo
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 14:12

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