When I connect a PPTP VPN on Lion, it takes several minutes for DNS resolution to actually switch over to the addresses that come back over PTPP. Is there some parameter somewhere what would speed up this process?

Here's some output from nslookup which demonstrates the oddity:

/Users/benson/x/oap2 nslookup server Default server: Address: jira.basistech.net Server: Address:

Non-authoritative answer: Name: jira.basistech.net Address:

The PPTP connection DNS address is, but still opendns.com is in control here via the panera wireless, returning crap advertising pages.

  • I've not seen this happening with my VPN connections. I think you shoudl add some screeshots of you network configuration screens, specifically the network order, and the dns sections of the VPN connection settings
    – Stu Wilson
    Commented Jan 13, 2012 at 11:21
  • The order now is PPTP first (in the order dialog box), but the main network settings shows it second to to Wifi.
    – bmargulies
    Commented Jan 19, 2012 at 13:39
  • The order was the problem. Make an answer so I can accept it?
    – bmargulies
    Commented Jan 19, 2012 at 13:43

1 Answer 1


I've not seen this happening with my VPN connections. I think you should add some screenshots of you network configuration screens, specifically the network order, and the dns sections of the VPN connection settings

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