10 days ago I was awarded an interview at my dream medical school, and immediately signed up for a time slot on their website. However, I recently got an email that I actually DIDNT sign up for a time slot and I’ve therefore lost the opportunity. I must have failed to click confirm!
So my question is, how do I prove that I visited the sign-up page on the 12 or 13th of December? I’ve checked my browser history for Safari and Firefox from those days, but for some reason the website is not in there—is it possible that it got inadvertently deleted? I know that I visited the pages and that I was not in private browsing mode.
A couple of specific questions: 1. What are your suggestions in terms of finding the missing browsing history in my Mac? I’m running OS Mountain Lion and I didn’t have Time Machine running. I have found my history.plist file, but it seems really short and only seems to have websites that visited in the past couple days.
Is there any way that cookies might help me? I unfortunately don’t think that the university’s site collects them, and I didn’t see the site in my safari cookies, but might this be an avenue to pursue?
Is there anything that the university might be able to do to check website activity? I’ve sent them my IP address, but I’m worried that it may have changed since 10 days ago and won’t match. Is there anything else I can ask them to do?
Anything else in terms of proving that I thought I had signed up? The only thing I have right now is that I entered the interview time slot into my iCalendar as soon as I signed up, so the time stamp on the item in my calendar matches the day.
I appreciate any help you can give, and let me know if I should provide any more information! I desperately want the chance to interview at this school!