The most detailed "how-to" that I could find tells us to
- Open a Word or Notepad document.
- Type the content if you haven’t already done so, following the guildines below.
- Make sure each line, whether for a slide title or bulleted text, is on its own line. There should be no blank lines, because these come in as blank slides!
- For each slide title, format the line as Heading 1 in Word or just type in Notepad.
- For each line of bulleted text, format the text as Heading 2 in Word or insert a tab in Notepad
- For each line of indented bulleted text, format the text as Heading 3 in Word or insert 2 tabs in Notepad
- Save the file as a .docx or .txt file.
I have followed those steps:
I added some text that starts like so: (note that the left indents are one or more tabs
Core Stats Concepts and Procedures Let's get warmed up: Basic Descriptive Statistics Define: N === |X| Population Mean: Sum(X_i)/N Sample Mean: Sum(S_i)/N for S_i member of X Population Standard Deviation: Sqrt( Sum(X_i- mean(X))^2 /N) Sample Standard Deviation: Sqrt( Sum(X_i- mean(X))^2/(N-1)) Warming Up: Additional Basic Descriptive Stats Mode: the most common observation(s)* *May be more than one observation with same cardinality Order Statistics : Statistics based on Sorted observation values Min Smallest observation Median "Middle" Observation Simple enough if N odd If N even then might be taken as the average of the (N-1)/2 + (N+1)/2 observation values Max Largest Observation Quartiles: Expands on the Order Statistics: The Order Statistics Plus (0th Quartile: The min value) 1st Quartile: The (approx) 25 percentile of observations 2nd Quartile: Same as Median 3rd Quartile: The (approx) 75 percentile of observations (4th quartile: The max value) Inter-Quartile Range: The difference between 3rd Quartile and 1st Quartile values ** Show example**
The result? Everything is put into a single textbox on a single slide with centering on each line and an overly large font.
This has been attempted about ten times with the same result. Any pointers?
I am on Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac
version 16.12