I've been looking for a way to lock the mouse to one monitor in a dual, or more, display setup.
[Edit:] The application that I am programming will be run in full-screen mode only, at all times. This means that it doesn't matter whether the mouse restriction is to the game window itself, or just on one monitor regardless of the applications being run. [ /Edit]
I'm programming in flash, and I know that until 11.2 comes out, it can't be done in flash, so I have to find some way to do it on the Mac OS itself, 3rd party software, or through hardware.
I'm looking for any and all suggestions on how to accomplish this by ANY means, or alternative solutions to Flash if it can't be done.
I've found 3rd party software on Windows 7 that allows me to do this, however I could not find one with Mac support.
Background info:
- Using flash with Adobe AIR
- Application going on a Mac Mini
- Application is a game, one monitor shows the game, the other monitor has a separate application running
- The two apps are connected through a localConnection object.
- Using AS3
Question Summary:
How can I lock the mouse to one monitor in a multi-monitor display on OSX? Any and all suggestions are welcome.