I am using MacOS High Sierra 10.13.3
Macbook Air. The problem I am facing is that the internal touchpad and keyboard stop working as soon as I login. They also do not work in Safe mode. I have also tried to create another login account but the keyboard/trackpad fail to work there as well.
I have also tried SMC / PRAM reset multiple times and also reinstalled the OS from recovery mode, but again failure.
The only abnormalities that I have found are that 1) the multi touch kernel extension does not have a Plugins directory which is a different structure than all the other kext
~ Fri Feb 16 20:19:11
$ ls /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBMultitouch.kext/Contents/
Info.plist MacOS/ _CodeSignature/ version.plist
and 2) there is no option to disable the trackpad in the accessibility preferences pane.
Does anyone have any guesses as to what might be going on ?