This is an issue I've faced for such a long time on both macOS and iOS, though for the purpose of this question I'd like to focus on macOS as that is where, I hope, manually editing settings files might even be a possible solution to this problem.
If a calendar alert pops up on macOS, we're presented with some quite usable snooze options: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, or 1 week:
On the flip side, if a reminder alert pops up on macOS, one only has the option to snooze it for 5 minutes, 1 hour, or until tomorrow, with nothing in between. This has obvious implications: if there's something you want to do in 15 minutes or 30 minutes, you don't have that option. You can only push the reminder to 5 minutes over and over, or push it a whole hour and risk not getting to it in time:
On iOS, its even worse. If a reminder pops up, a user can only choose between "mark as completed", "remind me in 1 hour", or "remind me tomorrow" with a hard press on the iPhone 7.
I feel like Apple has decided that a reminder is for something to be done NOW (or in 5 minutes max) and doesn't want people postponing reminders in, say, 15 minute increments. If anything, it's Calendar time slots that might be marginally more immediate and fixed in time than reminders, aren't they? I think it's crazy to only have a choice between 5 minutes and a full hour to postpone our reminders, while being forced to go into the reminders app to manually change the time for each alert!
I've read through prior posts on here and other forums, skirting this topic, but there doesn't seem to be a conclusive answer.
Is there any way to manually edit the native list of reminder postponement duration options to at least match the calendar snooze options, or are we totally out of luck save for downloading software such as Snoozemaster which doesn't natively sort the problem, or having to specify a reminder snooze time via Siri (difficult in a quiet office environment)?