When I have two applications open side-by-side in the same space, I'd like to be able to swap between them quickly with the keyboard.

I can use Command+Tab, but often I land on an application in a different space, and it moves me to that space.

Is there a similar shortcut which limits the list of applications to the current space?

(I'm using OSX Snow Leopard.)

  • Could you update your details? "when I have two applications open side-by-side" would better read "when I have two windows open side-by-side" based on the top two answers. Commented Aug 20, 2015 at 14:11

4 Answers 4


Move focus to active or next window (⌃F4). It cycles through visible windows (not applications) on the current space.

I've assigned it to ⌥⇥ myself, and assigned ⌥T to what ⌥⇥ would do normally: d=~/Library/KeyBindings; mkdir -p $d; echo $'{\n\t"~t" = insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor:;\n}' > $d/DefaultKeyBinding.dict.

  • 1
    This is very close to what I want, and good enough to do the job 90% of the time. :) For those struggling to decipher ⌃F4, it means "Control-Fn-F4" (as I discovered by double-clicking the shortcut in the window shown above and hovering over the text). Commented Oct 26, 2011 at 14:30
  • Somehow it doesn't work in certain cases. For me it doesn't work when I move from, say spaceB(3 windows) to spaceA(2 windows) In this case when I try to switch windows in spaceA, it moves back to spaceA. I'm not sure why, but it is really annoying. Like @NathanLong says it works 90% of the time though.
    – Crocode
    Commented Jul 23, 2014 at 21:56
  • Yes, I have same problem here that ^F4 will just jump between spaces.
    – vancewang
    Commented Jul 29, 2018 at 17:53

I don't know of any keyboard shortcuts; but consider the following program.


  • I had the very same problem, and this is the best solution; comparatively, Ctrl+F4 is suboptimal, since it doesn't show any list of applications.
    – Marcus
    Commented Sep 27, 2013 at 8:01

If you go to System Preferences, Mission Control and then untick the second box ("When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for that application") that should fix it I think.


For anyone willing to install and use Hammerspoon, this configuration will bind this feature to `:


local function focus_next()
    -- Filter out windows without titles and non-standard windows
    local valid_windows = hs.fnutils.filter(hs.window.orderedWindows(), function(win)
        return win:title() ~= "" and win:isStandard()

    -- If there are more than one valid window, focus the next one
    if #valid_windows > 1 then
        local current_win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
        local current_index = hs.fnutils.indexOf(valid_windows, current_win) or 0
        local next_index = (current_index % #valid_windows) + 1

hs.hotkey.bind({ "ctrl" }, "'", focus_next)

Somewhat unexpectedly, it works perfectly together with Stage Manager and in fullscreen Split View.

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