I've noticed very strange behavior of the internal keyboard's caps lock on a MBP15 Touchbar MacBookPro13,3 10.12.4 Sierra.
Ever since, I've remapped caps to ctrl. Now, with the new MBP when I press caps + a key repeatedly, or hold it, some strokes are omitted.
That results in very annoying behavior, for example in Terminal when I press caps-c, sometimes ^C and sometimes c is sent to the terminal.
I've tried the following to pin down the problem but couldn't find a solution
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10 # normal minimum is 15 (225 ms)
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1 # normal minimum is 2 (30 ms)
- disabling Accessibility tools like BTT or Spectacle
- no
- rebooting to login screen and pressing caps multiple times also seems to omit some key presses
- remapping caps to command and trying to open multiple tabs in Chrome with caps-t results in some tabs getting creating but also ttttt being entered into the URL bar
- enabling Accessibility > Keyboard > Slow Keys in Preferences and setting a short delay decreases the likelihood of the problem a bit but it is still there and the setting also makes me type much slower
- external keyboard caps remapping works and is without delay, so it seems to be a MBP15 2016 keyboard firmware issue
It seems Apple previously regressed on the caps delay 'feature' in 2014. Is this another regression in 2016?
Anyone knows a solution or can reproduce?