My wife's Mac is acting up and I've been trying to sort it out for a while with no success.
Anytime she opens a new Finder window, tries to upload an image to Facebook, exports an image from Lightroom, or does any other file related task. The system hangs for 1 to 5 minutes before popping up an error that says "There was a problem connecting to the server "Steph's Mac". Everything then proceeds to work normally.
Here's the thing. The computer that is having the problem is called "Steph's Mac". There is no other computer with that name. There never was a server called "Steph's Mac"
Here is what I've tried:
- Sharing settings: disabling SMB
- Disabling file sharing completely
- Finder / Connect to server: clear recent servers...
- Changed computer name to "Studio Mac" Error window still reads "Steph's Mac"
- Signed out of iCloud account
- Sys Prefs / Accounts:
- Login Items - removed all of them
- Login Options / Join... / Open Directory Utility... searched mounts. there was none
- disabled Bluetooth
- Ran First Aid from Disk Utility on all the drives.
Edit: Added more checks
- cleared ~/Library/LaunchAgents
- cleared /Library/LaunchAgents LaunchDaemons & StartupItems
- cleared ~/Library/Preferences
- Disabled Dropbox Finder integration
- Turned Adobe Creative Cloud Sync off
End Edit
I figure somewhere deep in the preferences it's finding something that's telling it to connect to a server. But I can't figure out were.