On the 4th generation of Apple TV, is there a way to watch the presentations delivered at the annual Apple World Wide Developer Conference?

The videos can be viewed on a Mac and on iOS devices. But for some geeks like me, lounging on the couch while watching WWDC vids on the big screen would be considered fun.

2 Answers 2


If you have a paid developer account for AppleTV you can download, compile and install WWDC-tvOS. You can also download the OSX version (via the same link) and use Airplay to show the videos on your AppleTV.


Apple Developer app.

It's free, and it allows you to stream all of the videos available on Apple Developer (including WWDC14 and later videos) directly to your Apple TV (requires tvOS 15.4 or higher).

Screenshot from https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-developer/id640199958?platform=appleTV taken on Apple TV showing an example video with the 'Watch Now' button

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