My Macbook battery (I guess batteries is the more correct term in this new Macbook) isn't getting battery life as estimated by specs, and it is already lessened in only about 2 months. Today, I ran a hardware diagnostics with no errors reported.
I ran a CPU analysis in Activity Monitor, but nothing seemed to be using a ton of CPU (not that I really understand it, b/c Apple support threads say to analyze by percentage to see if any one process is hanging, but they continue changing so how to know anyhow??)....but I digress.
So, I had also been having some problems with Safari freezing and other issues with a variety of programs, and ended up having to reinstall the OS X, some of which continue to occur despite this "fix". While I was looking at the CPU %'s I clicked Safari (w/in the Activity Monitor) and when it was open, I clicked on the Statistics tab...for what, I don't know because none of it makes a lot of sense to me, by way of what it really represents, but regardless, I did it. There I found what seemed like a huge number of "faults".
I did the same with a few other running programs/apps and they showed no faults (or even a listing for faults where they could be displayed).
What are faults in this context and what does a high number represent? Is this reflecting errors? Is this something that could drain battery? Is it something else I should be concerned about?