Platform: OS X: Yosemite 10.10.4; MacbookPro 15" Retina (mid-2015). Fact: There is aging for battery in any case - using or not. But while using - there is difference of how to use. My questions - in order to minimize battery degradation:
- How often should I totally discharge battery ?
- Is degradation rate is a matter of full cycles or it doesn't matter to what highest and lowest level I charge or discharge laptop ?
- Most (99%) of the time I am connected to power - which leads to 100% charge level always. But many sites say, like following link: say, that better to keep battery 40% charged than 100%. How to achieve that (there is no ability, as far as I know, to manually limit charging battery level) ?
- Do you have empirical evidences to prove or disapprove this expectations ?
- I ask this since to replace battery in Macbook Pro is hard to be done - many screw types, many modules do disassembly, using glue to grasp components without moving inside. And therefore I prefer doing this rarest I can. How much time (how many years) it typically takes upon your experience to get to buttery degradation of 40% capacity compared to Day-1 of using your Macbook Pro ?
- After 2 minutes of laptop using - the internal temperature (CPU, RAM, Battery) gets to 85-90 degrees (Celsius) and stays so till I turn off (sleep) laptop - for 12 working hours every day. Is there something I can do about heat (both in general, and regarding battery especially)?
What else should I do or know to not be frustrated later ?