Running a Processing sketch which saves .txt files to a folder. Have a folder action attached that prints new files in this folder to a thermal receipt printer.

However, I had to update to Yosemite, and since then the print queue window opens up over the sketch and has to be closed manually before continuing with the sketch. When I print a document normally the printer proxy behaves and stays in the dock, and doesn't change focus from Processing.

I have no Applescript experience, but I think I need a script that I could include in the folder action, so these .txt files print automatically, without intervention while Processing is running.

1 Answer 1


One idea that comes to mind is to use the command line tools to print the files. If the files are sent to the printer without any pre-processing - in other words raw - then the following command should do it...

lp somefile.txt - if your printer is the default


lp -d MyPrinter somefile.txt - for non-default printer

Use lpstat -a to get a list of printers and their Unix names.

From applescript you would have to do it this way...

set pFile to POSIX path of txtFile
do shell script "lp " & quoted form of pFile

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