I have a second hard drive in my macbook pro that is bootable into my older os install after installing a new SSD with a clean build of OSX Mavericks. When booted into my SSD, I want my old drive to be only used storage space, however it keeps using it for other things. For example when I press open with, it shows me all my apps from the old drive. I already disabled Spotlight for the old drive, but how can I prevent all function except as an external drive?
PS. I still need to boot into it occasionally and I cant just eject it when using my SSD because I need to access files on it.
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -u /path/to/dir
to prevent drives from being auto mounted or set to read only. Also, is this internal drive really behaving differently from how an external drive would work?