I have an iPhone 3Gs and recently noticed that the home button doesn't work anymore. I used AssistiveTouch.

Now I want to jailbreak my iPhone, but it's gone wrong: the device is stuck on a black screen after jailbreaking, iTunes doesn't recognise my iPhone and my home button doesn't work.

What can I do?

3 Answers 3


Let the iphone discharge. Then connect it to your computer. If iTunes recognize it, try to restore it.


If you can't restore the device to factory settings after connecting it to iTunes, I'm afraid the best you can do is take it to a authorized Apple service center and get it fixed.


I would reccomend a vist to authorised apple service centre.Better leave it to the professionals.

  • I know, but i'm in Belgium, and there aren't so many of these stores here. I searched it on Google and found a program called RecBoot, but it shoeldn't work on 64 bit computers, and i have one... Do you think it's gonna work if i run a 32 bit version of windows in virtual machine and then try recboot? Thanks!
    – user67046
    Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 9:32
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    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jul 4, 2015 at 17:09

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