The institution I work in bought recently (early 2013) 8 MacBookPros 13' with 10.8 from an Apple store. (they are not Retina Display)
The problem is that my laptop is suuuuuper slow at doing regular stuff such as wake up. I have found that I type faster than my computer can handle and cannot keep up. This was happening from day 1. Now we are all realizing that it is happening to all our laptops. One of them simply stopped responding in usefull time (approx 15s to minimize a window). (I tave talked with my collegues and we all agree that these are the last Apple products we will buy)
The steps that reproduce the problem are as follows: close the lid of the MBP, wait 15 seconds, open the lid, when the screen shows the request password window start typing your password. after normally 3 strokes (taking me 2 seconds to type) the laptop suddenly selects all my characters and whatever I continue to type it automatically substitutes my previous typing, obviously causing a bad password
I have at home another MBP with the same hardware, with a disk three times as full but twice as fast.
This particular laptop has been to a certified Apple repair shop for a change of logic board totally unrelated to the issue as the problem was here before and persists after the change in logic board, and since the problem is present in 7 other laptops bought at the same time. They ran a hardware diagnosis test and found no fault
Do you have any idea on what would cause 8 brand new laptops to come this bad? Why are 4 Gb of RAM not enough so that the computer keeps up with my typing?
Here is the screenshot of Activity Monitor: