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Application software. Applications, or apps, for short, is software that runs on the computer.

1 vote

Prevent App Nap is disabled

If you can't uncheck it, the app doesn't support it. App Nap requires support from the developer in the app for it to be available. In this case, IDEA is a Java app which doesn't support App Nap.
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
0 votes

Finding Apps that do not appear in Macbook dock

Apps reside in /Applications, available from the Finder sidebar. … The Dock only shows applications which are default apps, installed by an installer that places the shortcut there (e.g. iWork '09) or that you place there yourself. …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
1 vote

Where does f.lux install itself?

I'd presume it'd be in /Applications or ~/Applications, the latter being within your home directory? You can find where the process is by sampling it in Activity Monitor. …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
7 votes

What app places a lower-case 'd' icon in the menu bar?

It's gfxCardStatus in discrete graphics mode. what the menu bar icons mean: i — you're using the integrated GPU. d — you're using the higher-powered discrete GPU.
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
1 vote

How do I remove Wondershare Video Converter from MacBook Air Mountain Lion?

Reboot, then move it to Trash. Open Activity Monitor, find it in the list, then quit it, and drag it to Trash.
grg's user avatar
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1 vote

Remove or delete a review from my iTunes app?

Reporting a concern is the only way to attempt to remove a review. The process is not instant and requires manual approval. If you've only just sent the form, wait a bit. If it's been a while and the …
grg's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I retrieve the configuration data of the standard iPhone weather app?

The configuration information is stored in /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/ This single property list contains all the preferences, including a 'Cities' array which holds inf …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
2 votes

Easiest way to gently kill an intermittently unresponsive application?

You should be able to use AppleScript: tell application "name" to quit Using 'to quit' rather than 'to force quit' will mean that it won't be forced regardless of whether the app is unresponsive—ra …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
3 votes

Do I need "Install OS X Mavericks" after I've upgraded?

No. If you have no use for it, delete it. The OS doesn't need it any more and if you want to reinstall OS X you can use the Recovery HD, so there's generally no need to keep it. The post-install scri …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
7 votes

Apple App Store submission review time vs update time

Updates are generally processed faster than the first submission of an app for review, but not drastically faster. It's usually around a day shorter (5 days) compared with the average 6 or 7 days for …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
0 votes

how does an app recognize the phone?

There are a number of methods an app can use to uniquely identify a device or user. Transitory (persistent whilst app is installed) Unique identifier generated by the app and saved in a property li …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
7 votes

Why does "Open With" display so many instances of an app?

This is a long-standing bug in OS X. You can fix it with lsregister: /Sy*/L*/Fr*/CoreS*/F*/L*/S*/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
1 vote

Restore Applications folder to dock

Open Finder and go to Finder → Preferences → Sidebar and select Applications. This puts the Applications folder back in the sidebar. … To add the Applications stack back on your Dock, drag the Applications folder itself (not from the sidebar) to the right-half of your Dock. …
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
1 vote

Calculator Paper Tape window not capturing any information

The paper tape only records when pressing =. Press the equals button at the end of your calculation to record the calculation on the paper tape.
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
9 votes

Why is there an alarm clock badge on the YouTube app?

The icon is telling you why Siri is suggesting the app to you by placing it in the Dock. Siri's proactive abilities means it suggests apps it thinks you are likely to use for a variety of reasons: A …
grg's user avatar
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