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safari copy only plain link

I'm copying a link from Safari, via "Copy Image Link". When I'm pasting it to some places, like, or some input fields on the Web (not every one, but many of them), I just get a file-name: ...
valya's user avatar
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Why doesn't Safari copy URL parameters of a link when using the 'copy' from menu?

I found a strange behaviour on Safari that seems to be affecting URL sharing. If I copy the url by selecting all coping it I can share the full link. Such as
rockon_d's user avatar
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Clipboard does not copy URL properly

I am trying to copy this url:
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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Highlight and copy text within hyperlink in a pdf

Say there is a phrase in a pdf file that is a hyperlink: "This is a hyperlink". How can I select/highlight just the text in the middle in order to copy and paste it elsewhere without opening the link? ...
YTD's user avatar
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Can I use AppleScript to paste a web text clip appended with source attribution and a timestamp, while maintaining embedded links?

Complete newbie here so please let me know if I need to clarify or otherwise improve my question. I have searched multiple times using different keywords and have not been able to find a solution to ...
Web Smith's user avatar