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Jailbreak Detection in Apple Profile Manager

Am I able to detect if a phone has been jailbroken if it is managed/supervised by Apple Profile Manager?
thebarless's user avatar
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What's the easiest solution for MDM without a dedicated OSX Server?

I am the go-to support for whole lot of iOS devices in my family and have previously used Apple Configurator to apply new settings (such as VPN, email accounts, certificates) to new and existing ...
Jan W's user avatar
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Device enrollment returns 500 error in OS X Server

I'm currently working with OS X Server (Yosemite) to try and create profiles for certain devices. It appears that I have configured the server correctly, and I have assigned a domain to it. When I ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Need to re-enroll 200-250 iPads worldwide, help?

Due to a bug with postgresql when updating to 3.2.2 I now have to re-enroll almost 250 iPads worldwide manually. These are all supervised and "enrolled" with the old server setup. ...
Christian A. Strømmen's user avatar
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2 answers

Does Profile Manager for iOS Need to be Accessible over the Internet?

We're replacing our BlackBerry handsets with iPhones, and we'll be using OS X's Profile Manager for MDM deployment and management. I've done some exploratory research and I'm happy with the general ...
Craig Watson's user avatar
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Allowing MDM users to not only enroll devices (/mydevices) but also assign them to certain groups?

So I would love to allow one of our users access to not only add their own devices (as they do now by going to server/mydevices), but also decide which group the device should belong to. The user has ...
Christian A. Strømmen's user avatar
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Apple's Profile Manager (MDM) is suddenly unable to updates settings on enrolled iPads

So I just noticed that all new iPads (and old ones that we removed from groups and added to other groups) is no longer able to push settings to the iPads. The iPads are all on very different networks,...
Christian A. Strømmen's user avatar
2 votes
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Updating Enterprise apps on iPads enrolled in Apple's MDM server?

So I'm running into a weird issue here when trying to update an internal Enterprise app to a newer version with Apple's MDM server. Profile Manager runs on 10.9.2 and 3.0.3 and we've tested ...
Christian A. Strømmen's user avatar
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The server "serverName" did not accept the certificate

I'm trying to install a profile that I've created on an iPad. I have the Trust Profile for the device installed and verified. The problem arises when trying to enrol the iPad. Below is the output ...
Josh's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I enroll devices while "Can enable remote management" is disabled?

I'm deploying a large number of iPads and Mac Minis in my environment, and I need to be able to enroll them so they can be managed by my server. In my server "Profile Manager" there is a setting to "...
Chase Florell's user avatar
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3 answers

Device Enrollment works for desktop but fails for iOS devices

I've been doing a ton of reading, and even found this question ( Device enrollment fails, error: server certificate is invalid ) and followed the instructions. I first installed my Godaddy ...
Chase Florell's user avatar