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iBooks Store: How do I know what format is used?

I see a technical book on the iBooks store which looks interesting. The description tells me everything except: What format (PDF, ePub etc) is supplied? Does the book have DRM? I don’t know whether ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Can I gift an ibook to multiple recipients as a conference giveaway?

I would like to gift a book listed on ibooks as a giveaway for 175 people at a European conference. Attendees all have iphones/ipads but are based across various European countries. I have all their ...
Amy's user avatar
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iTunes Store is unavailable

Recently I am downloading movies from iTunes Store and books from iBooks Store. But one annoying thing that I've ran into these days are The Movie/iBooks store is unavailable. This is happening for a ...
Tom Shen's user avatar
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How to use different accounts (of different countries) for iTunes and iBookstore on iPhone or iPad?

Simply stated, it is I bought quite a bit of Music and Movies from my native country (be it Hong Kong, France, Italy, etc). However, the iBookstore for that country has very few books on the ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
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Is it possible to COMPLETELY delete a Book from my purchased books?

Yesterday, I saw that my brother has downloaded an "hentai" on my Mac (shame on me, I didn't lock it !) I deleted it, but it stays on my purchased books, and I don't want it ! Is it possible to ...
T2o's user avatar
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How do I gift a book from the iBookstore?

On the iTunes Store, you can gift people music, apps, etc. by clicking on the down arrow next to the buy button and choosing Gift This .... That option, however, is not available on books in the ...
Nathan Greenstein's user avatar