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Questions tagged [dialog]

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13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can't select files or folders in dialog box

Every time I want to save or open a file from any program (Chrome, Keynote, Numbers, Safari,...) on my 2021 MBP, when the dialog box opens I can't click on any of the folders or files, nor can I click ...
pottele's user avatar
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How to prevent macOS or Finder from popping up the dialogue to restore my iPhone in recovery mode?

macOS 11.7. Every time when my connected iPhone enters recovery mode, Finder automatically opens a new window and shows this dialogue. Not sure how possible it is, but I'd like it not to show up ...
charlesz's user avatar
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Why does the 'open file' dialog contain an 'options' button on some devices but not others?

I‘m using <input type="file" accept="image/png, image/jpeg" /> (run it on CodePen to test it). in my web page to allow the user to select an image file. In the first picture ...
Julien's user avatar
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Finder tags not appearing in Save Dialog

If I select an existing file with tags in the Save dialog, the Tags field is not showing any pre-existing tags. For example, the check.txt file in the dialog below is tagged (and sitting at ~/Desktop),...
Todd Vanyo's user avatar
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How do I focus on file navigation in open / save dialog boxes?

When the dialog opens, it is focused on file navigation. After pressing tab, the search box is highlighted. But how do I get back to file navigation with the keyboard? I used to be able to just tab ...
Dietrich Epp's user avatar
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Fix broken system font

I manually transferred some of the fonts from my old Mac via Fontbook to my retina MacBook Pro. After doing this the font for system popups broke. How can I fix it? Here is an example:
Andrew Hundt's user avatar
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OSX 10.8.5 file picker dialog doesn't allow sort by column

First post to this site and I'm writing with a user gripe. I haven't found any reference to this issue after some searching. I have a MacBook Air with OSX 10.8.5 and I've noticed a new behavior. ...
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Can't read filenames in save dialog box. Names are too faint

I want to click on file to inherit the name for the file being saved. I can't read file names in the dialog box because the color is too faint. This is the same question as File Save dialog unreadable ...
Richard Rasch's user avatar
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Keyboard Access and Dialog Box Buttons

After upgrading to Catalina from High Sierra. I found that I can no longer use the enter key in place of the mouse to click on dialog box buttons. Keyboard access and navigation is currently enabled ...
Train's user avatar
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Applescript Illustrator Dialogs

I have an AppleScript that does stuff in Illustrator and saves the file and then does other stuff. On almost every machine it works. One oddball Mac (macOS 11.6.2 - Illustrator 26.0.2) machine the ...
MongoTheGeek's user avatar
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what is this dialog called that appears in the center of the screen?

when using either Xcode or Magnet from the app store, occasionally a dialog like this appears: When using magnet, this dialog appears when the window forces a specific width and cannot change the ...
FBI Surveillance Van's user avatar
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Don’t select extension buy default "Save" dialog

If I’m not mistaking, before I changed computer, the extension wasn’t selected in the "Save" dialog. Is there a way to achieve that?
Jolin M's user avatar
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Applescript refer a link to a file in current finder window

Edited. Where is my current script : set plistfile_path to POSIX file "/users/moi/Desktop/Time/" choose file with prompt "Please choose a file:" of type {"plist"} ¬ default location ...
Kevin's user avatar
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