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Find a list of installed apps that can no longer run because they have not been updated with the current operating system? [closed]

The question is for both iOS and macOS. I have enough apps installed that I’d like to make this info into a kind of report.
New Alexandria's user avatar
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High memory utilisation iPhone6: how to identify greedy apps/processes

My iPhone 6 is constantly at around 98% memory utilisation, even when it is running a bare minimum two or three apps (these figures were obtained from the Lirum Info app). The phone runs noticeably ...
Stephen Hartley's user avatar
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How can I sync and organise apps on iPhone from Mac?

Is there a macOS app to manage and organise apps on iOS? Apple used to have this as part of iTunes but since they have dropped that feature there doesn't seem to be any real alternative to manage all ...
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Why won't my iPhone Apps appear in iTunes 12.5.5 on El Cap?

I have an older (2011-2012) MackBook Pro running El Capitan (10.11.6) and iTunes 12.5.5 (in other words, the latest of both). I have an iPhone SE running iOS 10.1.1. I don't use this MBP very often, ...
JVC's user avatar
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Don't have back up

I deleted a photos and videos, also in recently deleted album. I don’t have the back up. Then after deleted my photos and videos, I reset my iphone. Its all gone.. Is there any way to recover it?
James's user avatar
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iPhone 4S Safari Scrolling

I've recently switched from Android to an iPhone 4S, and while it's great, there's a few annoying issues. One of them is when I'm viewing long web pages. On my Android I could flick the screen and it ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
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How can I remotely send an SMS message through my Mac from my iPhone?

Is there an application for Mac OS X which would allow me to remotely send SMS messages through my iPhone? Ideally, just a simple application or maybe a full screen remote application like TeamViewer. ...
GusDeCooL's user avatar
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I rename a app folder on the iPhone 3GS using iTunes 10.1 on Mac; then sync causes it to revert

I run iTunes on the Mac MBP (Snow Leopard). I have a folder of apps called New Folder. I click on it to open it, rename it, then close it. It shows the new name. But then after sync it changes back ...
Brian Carlton's user avatar