Linked Questions

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What is the @ symbol in my terminal prompt? Where does this come from? [duplicate]

In my research on command prompts, the examples all seems to show the computer name and username as the only thing at the "prompt", ie MacBookPro:Documents user$ However when I open terminal,...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
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Prompt changed in my terminal [duplicate]

I recently installed Yosemite. A couple of days back it changed my prompt from Macbook:~ adnan to Mac-e80688dc7a26:~ adnan I have no idea why did it happen and how do I restore it.
Volatil3's user avatar
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Why does MacOS BigSur keep changing my network name? [duplicate]

I recently installed MacOS BigSur. I held off for almost a year, since I'm on a late-2013 MBP that was working just fine with Catalina, and I didn't want to screw anything up. Turns out, everything ...
mjuarez's user avatar
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How do I stop my computer name from automatically, and incorrectly, changing?

Ever since I upgraded my 2009 iMac to Mavericks, I often get a message stating 'The name of your computer "Foo" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "Foo (2)".'. The number ...
Cleggy's user avatar
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My Mac's hostname keeps adding a "-2" to the end

If my Mac's computer name (in the Sharing prefs) is "Node" normally, once in a while when using the Terminal, I can see it's magically changed itself: Node-2:~ $ For some reason it thinks its own ...
CaptSaltyJack's user avatar
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How to prevent machine from renaming itself at start up

My iMac's name is windowlick. Every time I reboot it, for some reason it detects that the name windowlick is already in use on the network and renames itself with a random suffix, e.g. windowlick (...
fluffy's user avatar
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Device name in network has a number in parenthesis and it is incrementing

My iPad's name used to be Behdad's iPad for many years, but a few days back, it was automatically changed to Behdad's iPad (4) and when I manually deleted the number, it was soon changed to Behdad's ...
Behdad's user avatar
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Unexpected changes to command line

When I open up a command line on my Mac the welcome message is usually Last login date Johns-MacBook-Pro$ This now reads... Last login: Fri Dec 18 23:48:34 on ttys000 Johns-MBP-2:~ johnw$ What ...
John's user avatar
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Refurbished Macbook pro's localhostname set to "Toms-AppleWatch" on fresh OS reinstall / Harddrive wipe

I bought a refurbished 2013 Macbookpro off of ebay and made sure to CMD+R, reset the OS and unmount/recreate the main 512 SSD harddrive. On setting up my computer again, when opening 'terminal', the ...
csch0's user avatar
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How did my hostname change? Where can I see this change being made/what time it changed? [duplicate]

today I logged into my mac and opened zsh and had a big shock! Normally my terminal prompt is something like: sidharthghoshal@macbook-pro But today I found it was : sidharthghoshal@HaeLims-Air I don't ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar