enter image description here enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereMy external drive(Transcend 2TB HDD) with 1.5TB APFS encrypted volume, there are many photo library files in it. One day I used 0.5TB fat32 part as windows 11 install disk, after I finish setup, I found that HDD drive only have 32GB, and 1.5TB APFS encrypted volume has gone!!!! I use r-studio and UFS explorer in windows and also try Drat 0.1.3 to scan to find back superblock and keybag, but have no luck. How can I get back pics and photo library in APFS????I think it might be the same issue because I try to find recovery company but expensive and try hex to see metadata inside it seem garbied code???I know my original password~~enter image description here enter image description hereenter imaenter image description herege description here enter image description here

  • I’m not sure what you are showing in the images - of course the mount fails due to the error condition and why did you select those hex offsets? I would presume diskutil and gpt text output to be more helpful for someone to offer a path other than decide if paying an expert is worth it. I would not try the gpt recover until you’re sure someone has a good plan to not make the problem worse…
    – bmike
    Commented Sep 30 at 18:10


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