A friend has a 21" i3 iMac 2019 with 8Gb RAM and it's horrendously slow. He's had Apple Support and Geniuses look at it and they cannot find a problem. The only extra software he has is Photoshop elements and simply loading Photos or Safari takes several minutes.
I've taken it home and wiped the hard drive and did a clean install of Sonoma and it's better but not great - my 2010 27" i7 iMac (albeit with 20Gb RAM) and M2 MacBook Pro both run rings around it operating instantly. This isn't just "Slow compared to more powerful machine" but slow as in "What am I waiting for?"
My wife's old 11" Macbook Air with 4Gb was faster - is the slowness just a consequence of the new OS with what could be considered a low amount of RAM (8Gb) or is there anything else that could cause this slowdown?
There is nothing untoward in Activity Monitor.