I noticed whenever I'm in mobile safari about to share a webpage that has text selected if I select the share for Messages app it embeds a quote of the selected text like seen in the first image below which has the quote

Today's news reinforces that doing it the hard way was the right decision.

However if I share the same selected text and website in the Notes app the quote is absent. Is there a configuration or some means to accomplish getting the quote embedded like how the Messages app does it?

selected text shared as quote in messages

webpage shared in notes

1 Answer 1


Found it randomly dragging a link with appearing text in Google (first link sometimes show some relevant text); in notes it showed the "quote" just like in iMessages, so I inspected the link in notes, and after le link, you have #:~:text= ,so you can artificially create one putting that and the exact text you want to quote after.

enter image description hereyou can only edit the link when view as "plain link" and not "Link Preview", you have to right click to do it

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