I have a Macbook Pro Retina that I bought brand new in 2015. Its battery died and wouldn't boot. Because it's old, Apple wouldn't provide a battery in my country, so the shop bought a battery "from the market" and replaced the old one.
In System Information -> Hardware -> Power -> Battery Information, I get:
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Serial Number: C01514309YEF90MA4
Manufacturer: SMP
Device Name: bq20z451
Pack Lot Code: 3230
PCB Lot Code: 3230
Firmware Version: 2d31
Hardware Revision: 322d
Cell Revision: 3036
Charge Information:
Fully Charged: No <---- Here!
Charging: Yes
Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 9054
State of Charge (%): 100
Health Information:
Cycle Count: 1
Condition: Normal
It says not fully charged, although the state of charge is at 100%. In contrast, hovering over the battery icon says fully charged, and the charger's light is green. Should I worry about it? I don't know what the old authentic battery reported.