I am looking for a way to extract something what is called in MS Office update branch/channel on Windows it can be found here in registry:


But I cannot find this value anyhow on MacOS bundles or defaults. Is this even applying to MacOS because I cannot find any info about that.

I know about UI way Help->Check For Updates. Although, I need to do some automation upon this value and the only way I see right now is to use apple script to handle that UI


2 Answers 2


Using MAU2.0's msupdate command with the -c flag:

/Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft\ AutoUpdate.app/Contents/MacOS/msupdate -c

Checking configuration...
    AutoUpdateVersion = "4.59.23051401";
    ChannelName = Current;
    HowToCheck = AutomaticDownload;
    LastCheckForUpdates = "Jun 2, 2023 at 4:25:34 AM";
    ManifestServer = "";
    RegisteredApplications =     {
    StartDaemonOnAppLaunch = true;
    UpdateCache = "";

To return only the channel name, use something like:

msupdate -c | awk '/ChannelName/ { print $NF } ' | tr -d ';'
  • 1
    Wow that's great thanks!
    – Przemekeke
    Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 11:57

You don't have to dig around in System settings or Terminal, it's actually hidden in plain sight…

Help Menu > Check for updates > Advanced… > Update Channel

enter image description here

enter image description here

btw, defaults often only exist once created manually. If no default has been set there's nothing to find. See Choose which Applications re-open documents at launch for an unrelated QA which explains how these work.

  • Yes, I know about this one. Although I need to do some automation upon this value and the only way I see right now is to use apple script to handle that UI
    – Przemekeke
    Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 11:17
  • 2
    Then you should have put that in your question.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 11:17

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