I have a Logitech MX keys keyboard (dual Mac and PC, french layout), and I'm trying to use the Home and End keys.

I'm using the "French - PC" layout in macOS.

VScode detects the End key just fine, and gets me to the end/beginning of line as needed, so I know it's not an hardware issue.

In Karabiner event viewer, Insert, Delete, Home, End, PgUp, and PgDn are completely undetected (nothing happens). I'm using Karabiner 14.11.0 and Ventura 13.2.1

Is there something I'm missing?

  • macOS doesn't use Insert at all [it doesn't even have a key for it, though some terminals app can be persuaded to use an equivalent]. Home & End are also completely unlike 'PC' & do not refer to beginning & end of line but top & bottom of page. Are you certain you're trying to translate the correct interpretations, or just wondering why they're not the same?
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Mar 6, 2023 at 10:50
  • I want to remap those keys using Karabiner, End to ctrl+e and Home to ctrl+a so that it does what I'm used to. My problem is that karabiner doesn't detect those keystrokes at all, whereas i know macOS done at some level because it works in vsCode ...
    – Brann
    Commented Mar 6, 2023 at 11:05
  • Do you have an extended keyboard, with 10-key & physical home/end keys? Even if you do, what do you expect ctrl/e or ctrl/a to do in regular apps? They're not Mac commands & mean little outside of terminals; generally, they'll do nothing at all. I think if you want Home & End to be recognised as 'beginning & end of line' you've a lot more work to do… more so as Mac doesn't consider 'sentences' in 'lines'.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Mar 6, 2023 at 11:17
  • @Tetsujin ctrl+E goes to the end of the current line on my mac, much like what the End key does on windows (and yes, I've got an extended keyboard with a keypad)
    – Brann
    Commented Mar 6, 2023 at 12:58

1 Answer 1


I found that Then creating ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict and adding these worked after a restart of my session:

    "\UF729"  = "moveToBeginningOfLine:";
    "\UF72B"  = "moveToEndOfLine:";

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