Let's take a look at the clipboard flags:

vim --version | grep clip
+clipboard         +keymap            +printer           +vertsplit
+eval              -mouse_jsbterm     -sun_workshop      -xterm_clipboard

Looks ok to me .. Highlighting some text in vim does turn on Visual mode. But then hitting CommandC results in an annoyed "beep" and nothing more than that.

So I added the following to the default .vimrc

set clipboard=unnamed

Still no dice. What needs to be done?

Update. +y does work.. but I've seen CommandC work on other mac laptops i've owned. The last one right here (that does work) did not have anything special done afaict: there's not even any ~/.vimrc file.

2 Answers 2


My confusion stems from "which" terminal is being used. I had not installed iTerm2 yet: and that is the critical difference between the two laptops. With mouse reporting enabled we do have the desired CMD-C for copying text. For plain old terminal there are various options to get the functionality of copying but I did not see any for CMD-C. I settled for +y to yank the content.


I had an iTerm2 Copy Paste issue while working in NeoVim (nvim).

I had the option Enable Mouse Reporting checked and that messed up my ability to use ⌘ CmdC in Neovim.

To fix it:

  • iTerm2 -> Setting (or ⌘-,)
  • Search for Enable Mouse Reporting
  • Uncheck

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