I have a non-US English keyboard on my MBP as well. Whenever I come across a keyboard shortcut involving a key that does not exist on that keyboard, I try two things to replace it: the key positioned at the same place on it as the US English keyboard or the key combination on that keyboard that produces the character in the shortcut. Sometimes neither works but frequently one does.
The left square bracket [ key on a US English keyboard is located directly to the right of the P key as shown in the picture below. I believe Swedish keyboard has the Å key at the same location as shown in the next picture.
Then, for example, for the Xcode indentation shortcut, which is Command ⌘+ [ , you could try Command ⌘+ Å . If that doesn't work, then, for the same shortcut, you can try Command ⌘+ ⌥ Option + 8 .