My girl has an iPhone 6S, which received an update a few weeks ago - the iOS 15.5. After the update was installed notifications from all apps (WhatsApp, Signal, Gmail, Skype etc.) she would normally use stopped completely (push notification popups and sound).
I'm not familiar with Apple's products at all so I started digging. Focus is disabled, notifications for all the mentioned apps are enabled, no "Do not disturb" is enabled.
Important: Notifications work if the app is on the screen, e.g. if WhatsApp is opened and visible, whenever someone calls or sends a message, it will appear as a normal push notification. Once WhatsApp is off screen, push notifications stop.
I read that iOS 15 introduced redesigned notifications but since things were working fine up to 15.4 included I'm confident to point a finger at some change(s) 15.5 has introduced.