At random intervals, DropBox pops up a notification telling me that it's almost full and that I should buy an upgrade. There is no way to disable this notification within the DropBox app (it's how they make money after all), but I would like to block it.
However, I still want to see other notifications from DropBox. So I want to block notifications from this app selectively based on their content, e.g. only if they contain the string "almost full".
Is there a way to do this from within System Preferences? (It seems not but there's no harm in asking.)
Is there a way to do it by typing something clever at the terminal?
Is there a reputable third-party app that can do it?
PS: I'm 100% certain there is no feature in DropBox to disable these notifications. The question is about whether there is a way in MacOS or a third party app to filter notifications from a given app selectively based on content. Presumably, if a solution exists, it will not be specific to the DropBox app but will be a general solution to the problem of filtering notifications.