I tried to update the macos from the 10.15.7 to the recently released Big Sur. Software Update has dowloaded the installation data and the following popup dialog appeared.
I found in Console's system.log the following message, but I'm not sure if it's related to my problem.
Nov 12 22:58:02 coolomet com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.pid.SoftwareUpdateC.1617): Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/CoreServices/Software Update.app/Contents/Resources/SoftwareUpdateConfigData, error = 2: No such file or directory
I checked that the requested file exists in my system in the given location.
➜ Resources pwd
/System/Library/CoreServices/Software Update.app/Contents/Resources
➜ Resources ls -l SoftwareUpdateConfigData
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 42192 22 zář 02:25 SoftwareUpdateConfigData
How can I download the Big Sur from the scratch again? I cannot find the location of downloaded installer. I don't see the usually downloaded installer in the /Application
➜ Resources ls -l /Applications | grep -i install
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 96 12 lis 22:54 Install macOS Catalina.app