How do I force MacOS to dump the state of the running processes and reboot without the need to open a windows or open a command line? My system is effectively unresponsive to non-system interrupt activities (keystrokes take minutes to process - holding down the power button works). Is there a key sequence that can tell MacOS to snapshot state and reboot for later diagnosis? Does MacOS possibly store a system dump somewhere after a forced system reboot?

  • Welcome to Ask Different. One question per question is best, but I’ll answer the two big ones. Feel free to link here with a follow on question if you have more after reading the restart and diagnosis links.
    – bmike
    Commented Aug 2, 2020 at 20:20

1 Answer 1


Sure. Here is the main list of shortcuts.

First get a sysdiagnose with shift - control - command - option - period

Then choose whichever restart or shutdown option you want from Apple’s list.

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