I had recently organised all the storage on my Mac and was finally able to back up my MAC and my iPhone. In order to create more space, I found an article online which told me how to move the back up folder to my Passport, however this never mentioned creating symlinks or anything similar and simply told me to delete the original file, which I did.
My phone has since died and I need to restore my new phone from the back up. I have the back up on my passport and have attempted to create symlinks as shown on: https://www.imore.com/how-move-your-iphone-or-ipad-backups-external-hard-drive https://medium.com/re-write/how-to-back-up-your-phone-to-an-external-hard-drive-using-terminal-1dd60f1129e5 However when i go to restore my phone from the back up, iTunes does not recognise the file, it does not show up. When i press cmd + shft + G , it shows the back up folder and then a new back up its made for itself today and then shows the three attempted symlinks, however these show up as a white file with the black arrow rather than a blue folder, and I seem to think this may be the issue.
Can anyone help me, and is it possible to restore from the back up on my passport as the original file on my mac was deleted. (if it helps I also have a laptop back up from then).