I wanted to install Atop which required SIMBL to be installed. Nothing at the process stated that SIMBL 0.7.5 wasn't compatible with Mojave 10.14. It started to pop confirmation if I want it to control xyz application. I then started to check to uninstall it and loss a lot of time.
The process is commented in here https://github.com/w0lfschild/mySIMBL/issues/102 1. Disable SIP:
Boot into Recovery mode: Restart and hold cmd+r
In Menu -> Toolings -> Start “Terminal”
$ csrutil disable; reboot
Run the script and perform uninstallation. It deletes a list of files. https://github.com/w0lfschild/mySIMBL/issues/102
re enable SIP
same as (1) change to "enable" to re-enable SIP
I checked the files that it opens, and there are at least 2 places that are not deleted by the script:
However the second one, can not be deleted because is a mounted file and it contains a copy of the original mySIMBL.
I tried restarting in SAFE MODE holding SHIFT at boot to force the flush of temp files but didn't worked.
The to gather more information I got to dump with launchctl
launchctl dumpstate > dump.txt
It shows up dozens of services with the next line included
domain = com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.pid.rg.w0lf.mySIMBLHelper.3734
while it also shows that service as well
com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.pid.rg.w0lf.mySIMBLHelper.3734 = {
type = process
handle = 3734
active count = 27
on-demand count = 1
service count = 26
active service count = 0
activity ratio = 0.00
originator = /private/var/folders/tl/yytk78b9195dbtvrhmhvfn100000gn/T/AppTranslocation/D5C172B8-7F7A-4E7E-B147-18B24DD76FDA/d/mySIMBL.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/mySIMBLHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/mySIMBLHelper
creator = mySIMBLHelper.3734
creator euid = 501
uniqueid = 3734
external activation count = 0
security context = {
uid = 501
asid = 100064
I need help to uninstall it or to stop it from running.
I can't even find the file where it is fired.
Could you help me please?