MacBooks released in and after 2016 have a feature that enables them to boot as soon as the lid is opened. I wanted to replicate the feature on my 2013 MacBook Air (MacOS Catalina Public Beta 5), so I read through this article: http://osxdaily.com/2017/01/19/disable-boot-on-open-lid-macbook-pro/ and entered the following command

sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03

But it doesn't seem to work. Is there any alternative?

1 Answer 1


As you stated in your post, this is a feature of various 2016 (and later) MacBook models, it is not supported on your 2013 MacBook Air.

I suppose you could get into the habit of putting your MBA to sleep instead of shutting it down, as this would mean it'd start fairly quickly upon opening the lid, but of course that's not the same as auto boot.

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