I can't get my 2012 13" MacBook Pro to standby (note: NOT regular sleep, see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4392).
My pmset -g results are:
Active Profiles:
Battery Power -1
AC Power -1*
Currently in use:
standbydelay 1800
standby 1
womp 0
halfdim 0
panicrestart 157680000
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
sms 0
networkoversleep 0
disksleep 0
sleep 0
hibernatemode 3
ttyskeepawake 0
displaysleep 10
acwake 0
lidwake 1
Anyone has any idea what might go wrong which would prevent standby? Note: regular sleep works fine, but it does not enter standby after a period of time. I also reset the PRAM and SMC.