I ended up with an Mid 2010 21.5" iMac that I wanted to dust off and give to my kids. They have light needs, but I'd love to start introducing them to messaging and email with family, plus some educational games.
I can't remember all the problems I've had, but over the last few years I replaced the HDD with an SSD and a few days ago I boosted the RAM from 8GB to the max of 16GB. I reset the PRAM/NVRAM and I thought all my problems were fixed. Then today I logged in to pat myself on the back for getting this up and running again and it was exhibiting the same behavior I was trying to solve.
Specifically, it's been logging me out a handful of times before it "sticks" and lets me use the computer. When booting up, the login screen often looks pixelated, and I can see a black/gray grid in certain spots behind the login screen. It also looks like someone has taken a knife across the screen, showing long lines of distortion fragments. I log in, then bam, get logged out shortly after.
Some things I've tried:
- As mentioned, replaced HDD with SSD and maxed RAM to 16GB
- Completely wiped the SSD and reinstalled High Sierra (the max this machine can take. these issues have occurred through at least the last few major OS updates
- Apple Hardware test won't run (probably because I wiped my drive) and Internet Recovery fails too
- Run memory checks
- Repaired Disk Permissions
I found this thread on reddit about finding crash logs, and when I looked, I found many instances of these two types of crashes:
Looking at the timestamps, they seem to line up with this afternoon's frustrating experience, crashing about every 20 seconds (log in, auto log out, log back in, repeat).
I don't totally know how to read these reports, but here's an example of some of the outputting the Kernel.gpuRestart crash:
Fri Jan 25 10:26:27 2019
Event: GPU Reset
Date/Time: Fri Jan 25 10:26:27 2019
Application: WindowServer
Tailspin: /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/gpuRestart2019-01-25-102627.tailspin
GPUSubmission Trace ID: 0
OS Version: Mac OS X Version 10.13.5 (Build 17F77)
Graphics Hardware: ATI Radeon HD 5670
Signature: 0
Report Data:
Hung Channels: PM4
[00] AccelChannel: PM4
Pending Command from : GLCtx
PendingCommandTimestamp: 0x00000de3, TotalDWords: 0x0000025f, GART Offset=0x0000000020b3a780, stamp_idx=0, estamp=0x00000de3
[00] PM4 HWChannel : Enabled, NotIdle
LastReadTimestamp : 0x00000de2
NextSubmitTimestamp : 0x00000e26
[PM4, ts:0x00000de3]: No semaphore wait
[PM4, ts:0x00000de3]: semaphore signal: 0xffffff8033e8c9c0
HWSemaphore 0xffffff8033e8c9c0 Signal Event: [PM4 channel[0] TS:0x00000de3 lastReadTS:0x00000de2]
GPU HangFlags 0x00000006: AsicHangState 0x00000006, AsicResetRequirement 0x00000002
IndividualEngineHang: 0
NonEngineBlockHang : 1
FenceNotRetired : 1
PerEngineReset : 0
FullAsicReset : 1
HangEngineBitmap : 0x00000000
AMDRedwoodGraphicsAccelerator PCIe Device: [1:0:0] State: ENABLED
Configuration: deviceBits: 0x002068c0, capabilityBits: 0x30940100
TotalVideoRAMBytes: 0x0000000020000000 (536870912)
And here's an example from the output of the WindowsServer.crash:
Process: WindowServer [425]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer
Identifier: WindowServer
Version: 600.00 (312.62)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Responsible: WindowServer [425]
User ID: 88
Date/Time: 2019-01-25 12:26:58.581 -0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.5 (17F77)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: C1090F37-DA86-08E5-7F8C-BF0AAE4C2C91
Time Awake Since Boot: 110 seconds
System Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Application Specific Information:
StartTime:2019-01-25 12:26:25
MetalDevice for accelerator(0x4b0f): 0x7fcf1570f468 (MTLDevice: 0x0)
abort() called
Application Specific Signatures:
Graphics hardware encountered an error and was reset: 0x00000000
I feel like it's obvious that the gpu is at fault here, but I'm a little over my head and thought I'd ask the more experienced and enlightened.
- Do you think it's likely (how likely?) that replacing the gpu will solve these problems?
- If very likely, I figured out how to find the graphics card I need, but I'm wondering if there cheaper alternatives. I don't need anything heavy duty. This won't be a gaming PC. Just messaging, FaceTime, and a platform for my kids to explore.
Thanks so much for all your help!