I guess since up 'upgraded' to 10.13.4 I get a login screen if I leave my MacBook air alone for the briefest time. This is a real pain in the neck.
In system preferences the this statement is checked:
"Require password [immediately] after sleep or screen saver begins."
I can't uncheck this box, and I can't change the [immediately] to anything else. If I could change it to 8 hrs I wouldn't be so unhappy, but as it is it is intolerable. Makes me want to go back to Linux.
I live alone and I have never taken my MacBook to any place public. I guess Apple in their wisdom thinks that if I go to the kitchen to freshen my coffee someone will bust down the door and steel all my secrets.
I would be glad to downgrade my OS if I could figure out how, and if that would actually make a difference.
I hope someone has a solution for this, I'm at wits end.