I've got a little AppleScript in Alfred that marks the currently-playing song as "Loved", it looks like this:
tell application "iTunes"
set loved of current track to true
end tell
This script works great.
But! I'd like it to do one more thing, and it's not working: I'd like to add the track to a playlist called "Loved". Here's v2 of the script:
tell application "iTunes"
set loved of current track to true
duplicate current track to playlist "Loved"
end tell
This way, I'd have a way to find these tracks later (for example, I listen to Radio a lot, and would love to find those Favorites later on).
Here is the error message that AppleScript shows me when I run v2:
"iTunes got an error: Can only duplicate subscription tracks to library source."
Any ideas if there is a way to accomplish this?
A few caveats:
- I'd like to avoid adding the track to my Library.
- If there's a way to have a Smart Playlist that contains all songs that I've Loved (even those not in my Library), then great! As far as I can tell, though, that's not possible with Smart Playlists.