I recently bought an iPad2 (WIFI only) in addition to my iPhone 4 I already had. There are two reason I took the wifi only model:
- I am not planning on taking the iPad everywhere I go. That's what the iPhone is for.
- I have an unlimited data plan with free tethering on the iPhone. If I ever need Internet on the go, I just make a personal hotspot and use the iPhone's connection on the iPad.
However, in order to join that hotspot, I need to first take the iPhone, go to settings and then I can join the hotspot with my iPad. I guess it's a nice security compromise, however it is still a real pain if I use the iPad 2-3 times per hour over the day at work and have to go to the iPhone's settings every time. This also happens if my GF's iPhone 3G wants to connect to my hotspot (she has no data plan).
Is there a way to allow certain devices to join the hotspot at a moment's notice, without taking out the iPhone itself?