I just got a refurbished iPod Touch. I synced it to my work computer rather than my Mac at home because it is mainly for PodCasts. It was working great, until I put my music on iTunes over a network share at home and accidentally told the iPod Touch to sync all music.
Ever since then, every time I try to sync my iPod Touch it tells me that it does not have enough space to sync all the data I am trying to sync.
The problem with that, is I'm only trying to sync about 30 total Podcasts, all of which are audio and none are longer than an hour.
I have reset the iPod to factory settings and still get the same thing.
In fact, I just told it (after a restore to factory settings) to sync nothing. Literally unchecked every sync option in iTunes and it is still telling me I have too much data being synced.
The iPod itself tells me that it has 6.5gigs of free space, but iTunes says I have 15.7 gigs of Music synced to it.
Anyone seen this before or have any idea what I can do?